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The Shirt-Tail Men - Backwoods Militia - LEE COUNTY

Friends of Wilderness Road State Park8051 Wilderness Rd, Ewing, Virginia 24248

Friends of Wilderness Road State Park

8051 Wilderness Rd, Ewing, Virginia 24248

Called Shirt-Tail Men by the British soldiers because of the hunting shirts they proudly wore, these backwoodsmen wear feared and respected sharpshooters. Rumored to have been General Washington's favorite soldiers, rifle companies turned the tide of many battles including the battle of King's Mountain, which eventually lead to the defeat of General Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. Many of these men came from Martin's Station. So, join Captain Martin as he musters the men who will bravely battle a tyrant king and help secure America's Freedom.

*Wilderness Road State Park staff and volunteers are dedicated to preserving and interpreting all cultures depicted during living history programming. Events at the park use costumed re-enactors and participatory programming which allows visitors to experience history*